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Tampilkan postingan dengan label artikel. Tampilkan semua postingan

Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Bercak hitam pada kulit yang berbahaya

Oleh: Erly Susana (VISTA)

Munculnya bercak hitam atau sproeten pada kulit wajah, leher, atau punggung, sering kali mengganggu. Bercak itu hadir terutama usai berjemur atau ketika kulit tersengat ultraviolet dari sinar matahari yang langsung menyoroti kulit.

Sebenarnya sproeten merupakan bercak hitam yang terdapat pada lapisan epidermis atau kulit bagian luar saja. Bercak ini tidak berdampak pada kesehatan tubuh, hanya penampilan luar saja yang terganggu.

Ahli kecantikan Wishnu Wardhana mengungkapkan, banyak penyebab munculnya bercak hitam pada kulit, selain sinar matahari. Bisa juga akibat faktor genetik, kosmetik, konsumsi obat-obatan yang memicu pigmentasi kulit, atau bisa juga akibat usia maupun faktor hormon.

Secara umum, dalam banyak studi tentang kesehatan kulit, matahari kerap menjadi tersangka utama atas kemunculan bercak hitam pada kulit. Ini terjadi akibat sinar matahari yang langsung menerpa kulit, menyebabkan produksi melanin yang berlebihan sehingga warna kulit menjadi lebih gelap. Bercak-bercak pun bisa muncul.

Kelebihan produksi melanin ini disebut juga sebagai hyperpigmentation alias kelebihan pigmentasi. Pada umumnya memang tidak berbahaya. Namun tetap jangan anggap remeh bercak hitam tersebut, sebab ada juga bercak yang berbahaya.

Ciri-ciri bercak yang berbahaya itu biasanya ditandai dengan bercak yang besarnya makin meluas. “Juga disertai dengan rasa sakit dan gatal,” ujar Wishnu.

Kendati demikian, bercak hitam yang tidak berbahaya pun secara psikologis bisa mengurangi rasa percaya diri. Rasa minder yang diikuti dengan stress bisa berdampak pada produksi hormon yang pada ujungnya akan memperbanyak kehadiran bercak hitam pada kulit.

Untuk menghindari munculnya bercak hitam akibat serangan matahari, gunakanlah sunblock setiap kali beraktivitas di luar ruangan. Lebih baik lagi jika kita bisa menghindari terpaan sinar matahari langsung pada kulit.

Cara lainnya, Wishnu menuturkan, adalah dengan banyak-banyak minum air putih. “Bisa juga sekalian dengan mengonsumsi suplemen atau vitamin untuk kulit,” ujarnya.

repost from yahoo.com
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Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

sayuran pencegah kepikunan

Ghiboo.com - Salah satu menjaga kebugaran otak ternyata tak hanya dengan senam otak atau permainan yang merangsang kinerja otak. Namun, nutrisi juga diperlukan.

      Temuan terbaru menunjukkan bahwa wortel memberikan kebaikan agar otak tetap awet muda. Peneliti dari University of Illinois menunjukkan rutin mengonsumsi wortel membantu menunda penuaan kognitif, seperti berpikir, mengingat dan logika.
Senyawa luteolin menjadi pahlawannya. Senyawa yang juga banyak terkandung dalam minyak zaitun, paprika, seledri, peppermint, rosemary dan chamomile ini mengurangi peradangan otak yang menjadi faktor penyebab masalah memori yang berkaitan dengan bertambahnya usia.
"Sebelumnya kami menemukan, selama masa penuaan, sel-sel mikroglial mengalami penurunan dan mulai memproduksi inflamasi sitokon secara berlebihan. Hal ini berkontribusi pada penuaan kognitif dan menjadi penyebab pengembangan penyakit neurodegenerative (menurunnya fungsi sel saraf)," Rodney Johnson.
Hasil ini sudah diujikan menggunakan tikus. Pada tikus dewasa, asupan luteolin terbukti memberikan berkontribusi pada masalah memori.
"Ketika kami memberikan luteolin pada tikus, zat ini mengurangi peradangan di otak secara signifikan. Pada saat yang sama, memori juga bekerja menjadi lebih baik. Bahkan, kualitas memori otak tikus tua sama dengan tikus muda," jelas peneliti Rodney Johnson dilansir melalui Healthdaynews (2/8).
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Jika Anda Hidup Sampai 2045,mungkin bisa

Oleh Mike Wehner, Tecca | Today in Tech

Keabadian adalah sesuatu yang hampir kita semua pikirkan, tapi tak ada yang menganggapnya serius. Meski begitu seorang pria Rusia berusia 31 tahun bernama Dmitry Itskov ingin orang berpikir serius soal kemungkinan untuk hidup selamanya, bahkan merencanakan hal itu bisa tercapai pada 2045.

Rencananya disebut "Inisiatif 2045" dan terdengar familiar buat Anda yang sudah menonton film "Avatar" karya James Cameron. Yang ia butuhkan hanyalah beberapa miliar dolar.

Proyek Itskov ini memiliki beberapa fase, masing-masing tahapnya membawa manusia makin dekat ke tujuan untuk hidup selamanya. Langkah pertamanya adalah menciptakan robot manusia yang bisa dikendalikan jarak jauh. Ia berencana untuk mengatasi hambatan ini paling lambat pada 2020. Lalu, pada 2025, otak manusia akan ditransfer ke kerangka robot untuk bisa melanjutkan hidup setelah kematian.

Pada 2035, otak avatar itu akan dibangun secara terpisah, dan kepribadian Anda akan dimasukkan ke dalamnya saat sudah siap mengakhiri kehidupan manusia. Dan akhirnya, pada 2045, manusia bisa berjalan-jalan dengan avatar holografik selama keabadian, tak perlu takut kematian.

Tentu saja, proyek Avatar ini akan sangat mahal, dan Itskov membutuhkan bantuan finansial serius untuk mewujudkannya. Ia kini sedang meminta orang-orang terkaya dunia untuk mendanai proyek tersebut. Sebagai balasannya, ia berjanji membantu setiap donor untuk mewujudkan impian keabadiannya. Karena $50 miliar tidak bisa dihabiskan dalam satu masa hidup.
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Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

sholat tahajud 40 hari berturut-turut

Salat Tahajud 40 Hari Berturut-turut

    Kisah Ganguan Jin Tahajud 40 Hari Berturut-turut ini ditulis seorang kaskuser pada sebuah trit, lupa linknya dimana.

kenalin gan,,,ane muslim,,dan ane dlu prnah bersekolah d salah satu ponpes d kal-sel,,

jd gini ceritanya gan,,d pesantren ane ada beberapa orang yg benar2 taat agama gan,,,
tahajudnya tiap malam,,pas ane ngobrol2 ama dy,,
dia bilang,,shalat tahajud tiap malam itu gak mudah loh...selain ngantuk,malas,nyamuk dan sebagainya,,,tp hal itu masih mudah katanya dilewatin,
yang sulit ialah gangguan dr mahkluk2 halus,,seperti jin dan syaitan...

apa lagi kalo tahajudnya dilakukan 40 hari berturut-turut,,biasanya katanya,,di malam 36 sampai 40 bakal ada kejadian2 ganjil,,
nih ceritanya gan
malam 36: 
pas dia sdah wudhu,dan mau menuju ke mesjid (krna msjid dan asrama dekat aja gan) pas kira2 tinggal 10 meter lagi,,masjidnya ilang gan,,pokoknya dilihat ama dia kosong gitu aja,,,tp dia ttp maju,,sambil baca2 ayat al quran,,eh trnyta pas dia liat sekeliling dia sdah ada d dalam masjid gan  
tingkat kengerian:60 %
hasil : berhasil dilewatin
malam 37: 
hampir sama gan ceritanya ama yg d atas,,tp bedanya pas dia mw ke mesjid,,dia melihat sesosok cewek cantiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkk bgt,,,dan merayu teman ane itu gan agar melakukan (sensor) sama dia,,hampir aja tman ane kena gan,,,krna saking cantiknya wanita itu) tp untungnya dia sadar,dan membaca ayat kursi,,akhirnya cewek cantik itu ilang dalam sekejap  
tingkat kengerian:80 %
hasil :berhasil dilewati
malam 38: 
pas malam ini dia dilanda ngantuk yg sangat berat gan,,sampai tahajudnya telat satu jam,,,tp tetap aja dia lawan,,bahkan pas shalat pun,,bnyak nyamuk yg mngigitinya lbih bnyak dr biasanya,,dan banyak suara2 aneh mahkul halus,,tp dia ttp mlanjutkan tahajudnya
tingkat kengerian:50 %
hasil :berhasil
malam 39: 

disni cerita yang ngeri bgt gan,,,pas dia shalat tahajud d sujud yang terakhir,,dan mndengar suara-suara ketawa ,,dan pas dia mw duduk tahayat akhir,,,di depannya,,pas tepat di depan sajadahnya,,,jatuh penggalan tangan yg berdarah gan,,sontak dia kaget,,tp dia ttp mlanjutkan shalatnya,,pas salam,,dia liat lg tangan itu sdah hilang gan  

tingkat kengerian:99 %
hasil :berhasil
malam 40: 
spya gak telat dia shalatnya,,,akhirnnya teman ane itu mutusin buat tidur d masjid sekitar jam 10 an,,pas jam stgh dua dia bangun,,dia sdag gak d masjid lagi gan,,tp sdah berpindah tmpat ke luar masjid,,dan swaktu dia shalat pun,,serasa ada yg niup niup d lehernya,,,
tp dengan keteguhan hati dan ikhlas krna Allah SWT.akhirnya dia berhasil melewati itu smua gan 
tingkat kengerian:90 %
hasil :berhasil

itu dr narasumbernya lgsg gan,,masalah bner apa gak,,,ane gak tau,,tp keknya dia gak mngkiun boong deh...thanx gan

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cara melihat jin

Cara Melihat Jin dan Makhluk Halus

Assalamualaikum sesepuh blogger, sya ingin share salah satu pengalaman saya dlam mlihat jin di sekitar kita. cara ini berhasil bagi saya, mgkn ada rekan2 di forsup yang ingin mencoba cara sya.cara ini tidak pakai puasa, tidak pakai wirid.

  1. agan sediakan satu lilin,nyalakan...kemudian agan duduk bersila,konsentrasi.
  2. pandang api lilin terus menerus minimal slama 1 jam,jrak minimal 1 meter dari lilin. JANGAN BERKEDIP SELAMA 1 JAM. kalo berkedip ulangi dari awal. dan harus fokus ke api lilin jangan yang lain.
  3. lakukan di kamar yang gelap, waktu bebas.bisa malam bisa siang.

nanti lama2 akan berubah keadaaan kamar kita. yang gelap jadi terang, yang terang jadi gelap. terkadang yang gelap tambah gelap dan yang terang tambah terang. nanti lama2 kalo udah mahir dengan cara ini agan bisa mngendalikan mau masuk ke alam mana,alam jin atau alam malakut.

ada beberapa fase penglihatan dalam cara ini:

  1. fase pertama, agan hanya melihat cahaya putih mondar mandir di skitar agan, itulah para spirit.
  2. fase kedua, lama2 agan akan melihat cahaya berwarna warni d skitar agan
  3. fase ketiga, agan akan melihat bayangan putih besar kecil mondar mandir depan agan.
  4. fase keempat, agan akan melihat bayangan warna warni besar kecil, menandakan auranya jin/spirit
  5. fase kelima, agan akan melihat bentuk jin langsung, ada yg besar kecil, bertanduk,botak, kulitnya hitam, hijau, putih, setengah binatang setengah manusia,ada yang cakep, cantik, ratu, raja,putri, pangeran, yg jeleknya minta ampun juga macam2...nanti agan bisa lihat sendiri. tapi dalam fase ini jinnya gak bisa diajak komunikasi.
  6. fase keenam, agan bisa melihat bentuk jin langsung dan bisa diajak komunikasi. bahkan jinnya bisa disuruh2 untuk kperluan agan, kalo pas ktemu jin yang nurut. enak kan?
  7. fase ketujuh, agan masuk alam malakut, bisa lihat spirit langit/spirit suci/khodam malakut.(paling sulit fase ini, sya baru bisa tembus fase ini stelah 5th berlatih).
demikian salah satu cara yang saya pakai untuk melihat dan berkomunikasi dengan jin/spirit langit. semoga bermanfaat. SILAHKAN DICOBA
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Benefits of fasting

Wisdom in fasting
our thanks to the arrival of fasting because we are given a chance to cleanse themselves of sin we've ever made so far and too fast, including a very good thing for the spiritual and physical       with the arrival of this blessed month we could be closer to Allah SWT and improve the better it is for our spiritual body, while for many of its inherent benefits such as:
  1.   Provides an opportunity for the digestive system to rest.
  2.   Freeing the body from toxins, impurities, and the residue is harmful to health.
  3.   Blocking food for bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells so that germs can not survive.
  4.      Increase the number of white blood cells and increase endurance. In the first week of fasting have not found the growth of white blood cells. However, starting on the seventh (second week), the addition of white blood cells very rapidly. White blood is a key element in the body's defense system.
  5.     Levels of acid and alkaline balance in the body.
  6.     Improve hormone functions required in a variety of physiological and biochemical processes of the body. Hormones released by endocrine glands and the pituitary as the body's reaction to various pressures and environmental stress. Deficiency or excess production of certain hormones will have a negative impact on health. For example when subjected to stress, hormones that regulate insulin and adrenalin when disturbed so hungry appetite loss or even come sooner. Production of the hormone insulin deficiency resulted in the emergence of diabetes, whereas when the body will suffer excessive hyperglycemia. At the time of fasting people will be patient and try to hold grudges and always surrender to God. It will make the normal hormone function that is more harmonious rhythm of life.
  7.    Rejuvenate the body's cells. When we fast, the body's organs are in a position to relax, so as to have the opportunity to renew cells.
  8.    Improve organ function. Fasting will give a stimulus to all cells, tissues, and organs.
  9.    Fasting increases the function of the reproductive organs.

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Senin, 30 Juli 2012

List of young players with high sales value

List of young players with high sales value

This is done by the great football club that has been summarized by financial football in a list of some young players with a higher selling price :
Neymar (Santos/20 tahun) - 55 juta euro
Mario Götze (19 tahun/Borussia Dortmund) - 45 juta euro
Mario Balotelli (21 tahun/Manchester City - 40 juta euro
Eden Hazard (21 tahun/Chelsea) - 35 juta euro
Jack Wilshere (20 tahun/Arsenal) - 30 juta euro
Thiago Alcantara (20 tahun/Barcelona - 30 juta euro
Yann M'Vila (21 tahun/Rennes) - 25 juta euro
Phil Jones (20 tahun/Manchester United) - 25 juta euro
Oscar (20 tahun/Chelsea) - 25 juta euro
David de Gea (21 tahun/ Manchester United) - 20 juta euro
Alan Dzagoev (21 tahun/ CSKA Moskva) - 20 juta euro
Jack Rodwell (20 tahun/ Everton) - 20 juta euro
Iker Muniain (20 tahun/ Athletic Bilbao) - 22 juta euro
Romelu Lukaku (18 tahun/Chelsea) - 20 juta euro
James Rodriguez (20 tahun/FC Porto) - 20 juta euro
Erik Lamela (19 tahun/Roma) - 20 juta euro
Christian Eriksen (20 tahun/Ajax) - 20 juta euro
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain (18 tahun/Arsenal) - 20 juta euro
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how to create simple and harmless firecracker

how to create simple and harmless firecracker
we first collect the materials needed in manufacturing, namely:

       - Gunpowder

       - scissors

       - Newspaper

       - glue

       - Tools such as wooden beams holding

       - Pencil or nail

       - Bol threads

newsprint, make a rectangular shape along may be up to you on the thickness

paper, then roll it into a pencil or nail until thick as possible

and press-rolls with wooden blocks so that a stronger thickness

-after the glue on the end of the roll and take a pencil or nail glue is still

-after it was closed, the bottom of the roll and then fill it with gunpowder

-on the axis of the yarn make glue with gunpowder dry

and insert it into the roll and close the meetings

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Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

how to create image effects page curl in corel draw

how to create image effects page curl in corel draw
like this


open the picture you want used to roll the edges

      Click on the title bar file -> select open-> select the image you want to upload-> click open


after the image is already in Corel and then click on the image layer in the following manner:

      Click on the image-> select bitmaps in title bar-> select 3D-effects> click page curl


in part on the show on the settings page curl


        - direction on the first option you will be told to choose a vertical or horizontal direction, and select one of the corner of the image you want in the roll or fold

       - on your second option in order to choose an opaque or transparent

              - on opaque: the image will appear in the roll will be seen clearly

              - on transparent: the image on the roll will be dim

       - the third option: you are told to choose your favorite color

       - the fourth option: there may regulate widht and heigth in that section


if you want to make sure the results of the settings you can select priview on the lower left corner arrangement 

when it can just click ok
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Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

many kinds of chinese culture

Chinese tea culture

Drink tea has become an entrenched tradition kekalangan tionghoa community. In China, tea drinking culture known since 3,000 years before Christ (BC), which at the time of Emperor Shen Nung in power. In fact, continues in Japan since the Kamakaru (1192 - 1333) by the followers of Zen.Purpose of drinking tea, so they get the freshness of the body during meditation can take many hours. In the end, the tradition of drinking tea became part of the Zen ritual.During the 15th century it became the show still gathered in a special environment to discuss various things.Even though it has not been proven scientifically properties of tea, but tea in the Chinese community is believed to neutralize the fat levels in the blood, after they eat foods that contain fat.They also believe that drinking tea can be launched dispose of urine, inhibits diarrhea, and a series of other uses.game of Mahjong in China

One myth about the origin of Mahjong is said that Confucius, Chinese philosopher, had developed the game around 500 BC. according to this myth, this game appeared simultaneously in various Chinese provinces coincides with Confucius trip when he spread the new teachings. But there is no evidence to support this statement. Third stone dragon (main) also correspond to the three main virtues bequeathed by Confucius.This myth claims that Confucius would like the birds. It seems menerangkar meaning of the name "Mahjong" (sparrow). Confucianism originated from South China, and the "Mahjong" is derived from the language spoken name Yueyu (Cantonese) is westernized for this game (actually the South China dialect pronunciation is closer to classical Chinese words (so, more conservative). However, no mahjong is no evidence that existed before the Taiping era, so it seems unlikely that Confucianism is the creator of this game.Another theory suggests that the game was developed from the Chinese dominoes and card games that already exists around 1850. Some historians believe that this game is based on a Chinese card game called Mádiào (also known as Ma Tiae, meaning Hanging Horse; or Yèzí, leaves) in the early Ming Dynasty. This game uses 40 sheets of card that is similar to the cards used in the game Ya Pei. To-40 cards, which are numbered 1-9 in the 4 range, together with four extra flower cards, are very similar to the numbering for the mahjong stones now. Until now there is still debate about who created this game. One theory is that Chinese army officers serving during the Tai Ping Rebellion created the game is to pass the time. Another theory says that a nobleman who lived in the Shanghai area created the game between 1870 and 1875. Expected that around 1850 in the city of Ningpo two brothers created Mahjong from Mádiào game that has gone before.Traditional Chinese game was banned in his own country in 1949, when the People's Republic of China was formed. The new communist government considers any form of gambling activity as a symbol of capitalist decay. After the Cultural Revolution, the game was revived, and once again Mahjong is a game recreation of the Chinese people.

 culture Cap Go Me
Cap Go Meh symbolize the 15th day and last day of the Lunar New Year celebration for Chinese communities worldwide. The term comes from the Hokkien dialect and literally means the fifteenth day of the first month (Cap = Ten, Go = Five, Meh = Night). This means that, during the Lunar New Year celebration lasts for fifteen days.The festival is celebrated with great entertainment and various activities. In Taiwan it is celebrated as the Lantern Festival. In Southeast Asia it is known as Chinese Valentine's Day, a time when women are not married get together and throw oranges into the sea - a custom which originated from Penang, Malaysia. 

The myth of the dragon

In Chinese tradition there is also a creature called Lung Liong or generally translated into Indonesian by the term dragon. This creature is described as a giant snake, complete with horns, antennae, and claws, so different from the dragon version of India.Chinese version of the dragon is considered as a symbol of the forces of nature, especially hurricanes. In general, these creatures are considered to have good properties as long as he has always respected. The dragon is considered as an incarnation of the holy spirit can not enter heaven. Typically incarnated the spirit of the saint in the form of a small dragon and seeping into the earth to undergo a sleep in a long time. After his memebesar, he got up and flew towards heaven.Some scientists argue, the Chinese dragon is an imaginary creature created by ancient people due to the discovery of dinosaur fossils. These creatures are also known in Japanese culture in terms of Ryuu.Dragon in the zodiac has a sense of truth. Another meaning is the protection and courage. Shio dragons exist in 2012.2000, 1988, 1876, 1964, 1952, 1940. Kemampuanmulut zodiac dragon has a good and unfortunately often makes.

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Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

How to give effect snow in the blog

  This can make a snow effect and beautify the look of the blog agan and also can reduce the tedium of the people who are viewing the blog agan, then I will give how to add snow effect :

-firstly sign in to the your blog
-and than choose tata letak

-click add gadget

-choose HTML/javascript

-and then put this script in content

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ahmad-rifai-tools.googlecode.com/files/salju-blog.ahmadrifai.net.js" /></script>

-after that choose save
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Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

the dog born a cat

Strange But True, Dog Cat Delivery

anjing aneh

            Seoul: The news may be very hard to believe with common sense. But that's what happened according to the old man's dog owners of South Korean named Jeong Pyong-bong (63). It's strange but true. A dog gave birth to kittens in Jeolla Province, South Korea.

Pyong-bong say to Media Korea Herald, his dog gave birth to a figure creature that looks like a child a cat. It also voiced little creature like a cat, so the grandfather Jeong Pyong-bong does not hesitate to claim that it is a kitten that was born from the dog.

This is really happening, a miracle, said Pyong-bong, as quoted from Dailymail, Monday (23/7).

This man was adamant that he does not spread false news. He tried to speculate if it was possible dog-related wild cats, creating a kitten that was born from a dog.

  When the animal was born, I did not believe, because he looks like a cat and meowing. How could he called puppy People from all over the city came to my house after the news spread, said Pyong-bong.

Nevertheless, experts believe that this miraculous birth is a matter that is genetically impossible. Therefore, the number and nature of the chromosomes is very different from dogs and cats. That makes sense is the dog is very similar to the cat.

Absurd dog gave birth to kittens. Which makes sense, the creature is a puppy-like cat, said Professor Chang-ho Son of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Chonnnam National University.

This claim is not the first time. Previously, Chinese citizens had also claimed his dog gave birth to a cat. In addition, about six years ago, women's Brazil claims the contrary, the cat gave birth to two puppies. (Vin)

repost yahoo.com
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Brain healthy hobby

Playing music for brain health

       This discovery could be found by the experts that playing music has amazing benefits
Music for someone just a hobby or simply to enjoy. But it turns out, playing music is good for health effects.

Recent research from the Emory University School of Medicine's Department of Neurology showed that practice playing a musical instrument can sharpen the brain's performance.

The findings in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that people who received his music education for over 10 years known to have sharp cognitive, including verbal and nonverbal function.

"This is an interesting finding that suggests that the highly educated tend to result in cognitive reserve that could potentially delay the onset of symptoms of Alzheimer's or cognitive decline," said researcher Brenda Hanna-Planddy, Ph.D., told through medicaldaily (23/7).

repost from yahoo.com

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Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

How to add ringtone mp3 for android

How to add ringtone mp3 for android

find the song you want to use for a ringtone for incoming messages in the application file saya
after that choose copy or move after completion.

second :
move to media -> audio -> notifications-> paste here.

third :
get in the tools massage menu-> pengaturan ->choose ringtone ->choose that song

good luck
Asked if there is please coment:

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Jumat, 20 Juli 2012



         Here I will share my experiences in making miniature boats that can be run by remote control, making these vessels can say simple because it is not too complicated, and the goods could be looking at a nearby store.

I will briefly give examples of images that I have made ​​the ship based on my efforts below:

miniatur kapal

miniatur kapal

from the picture above I will give step shipbuilding from the image into three short

A. make a sketch on the basis of the shipyard in a later paper printed on a plywood using carbon paper and cut out the appropriate form of drawing sketches there are four sections and each "two parts have the same shape and the bottom side

2. make the station "bulkhead "in the ship

 3. patched corners "are still hollow vessel with silicone to prevent leaking and then buy a car is a remote control can also be used

then take the engine and then move into the vessel in such a way

cara membuat miniatur kapal

4. and then give (propellers), rudders and other additional support that can make your own with zinc

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mesin penghasil uang

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